One Primary Problem … One Primary Solution … One Hope - Relaxation Wave Response Choice Revolution

This is our shot to finally Co-Operate to make “The Great Reset Inside” where all of our problems start so we can “Reset” our Over-anxious, Hyper-Tense, Inflamed ?Industrial Disease.” We are uniting to make the single most important choice we can ever make to optimize and save lives by “Resetting” to our Hope-Relaxation Wave Response to directly create Health, Unity and Peace, from our Fear -Hyper-Tension - Inflammation Stress Response proven to directly create Conflict, War and Disease. We make one continuous invisible Stress Response choice with our Mind as designed, of how Tense vs. Relaxed we need to be in our Central Nervous System. That then controls our heart and breath rate, pulse, blood pressure, all hormones, chemicals, organs and systems and thus creates all of our Health and Performance, and Social System Outcomes.

All we are doing is making one continuous “Instant Change Choice” in our Stress and Relaxation Response to simply moderate how much of a Tension - Hyper-Tension - Inflammation or Relaxation Response we choose to feel at every instant. We are continuously “Instant Changing” our Tension - Relaxation Wave Response; it is all we can do. We create our Health and Peace Response vs. Conflict and Disease Response at every instant.

We now have common sense Revolutionary Electro-Psycho-Neuro-Inflammation proven by research of the WHO and CDC to prevent and resolve Disease, Conflict and War, at our inner Stress Response source. We must finally be “Response-ible” for the one and only thing we can control, our “Stress & Relaxation Response” to stop the “Invisible Silent Killer of Stress” from us operating as a “Stressed Out”, rushed, “Warp Speed” industrial society, with out of control crises and pandemics of Obesity, Anxiety, Addictions, Comorbid Disease, Conflict, War and PTSD. We need everyone’s united help to immediately empower humanity To naturally “Reset” directly as designed with Free Central Tension (Wave) Reset - CTR Training … “CTR … CPR for the Mind - Body - Spirit … Save Minds … Save Hearts … Save Lives.” Do your part to help Spread the Blue & Yellow Cross of Hope and Relaxation to Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza and all the Nations … starting inside … at home … You and I … “The Great Reset Inside.”

This song is to create the "Let Us Breathe Together Movement" to finally Instant Change The World to prevent and resolve Disease, Addictions, Conflict and War at our Hyper-Fear Hyper-Tension Inflammation Stress Response Source by "Resetting" to our Hope - Relaxation Healing Response side of the Wave of Course!

We choose to either be more in our Fear -Hyper-Tension Inflammation Stress Response to make ourselves literally “Worried Sick -Inflamed’’ in Conflict and Disease or we choose to be more in our Hope-Relaxation Wave Response to get “Relaxed Well” in Health and Peace. It’s that simple … Simple Common Sense … “Doctor Common Sense … The Doctor Inside Us All” …

Dangerously Uncommon … Especially in mainstream Medical Science, currently not applying the standard required Bio-Psycho-Social (BPS) Model, but instead using a Biological Germ Model that overlooks our Central Nervous System power source of our Mind (Psyche) as designed to control our Biological Body in our Social Environment.

“The Germ is only as strong as the inflamed Host is weak.”

“Conflict and War only happen with inflammmation at its peak.” - forgotten common sense - Basic Science

“The greatest Medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.” - Hippocrates the Forgotten Father of Medicine


Join the single most important Mission for Everyone to do our part to create the world’s largest One Hope - Relaxation Wave CO-OP to apply and sign the “Global Crisis - Pandemic Reset Resolution 2024” with the “One Hope - Relaxation Wave Challenge” … “The Great Reset Inside” … You & I … Do or Die … to Instant Change the World ... by quickly learning The "Instant Change - Mind - Body Tension Wave Reset", and it's Life - Transforming Results from Decades of success over a 95 year Co-Operative evidence-based research study integrating and furthering all global research.

Learn More →

Take Action

Ready ... Reset ... in Hope-Relaxation Response Waves … Take the next Step do do your part to be "Be the Instant Change" by being the Instant Change Agent you were born and empowered to be.  You can easily become a participant and contribute to the Wave of Instant Change to Instant Change the World!

Find Out How →

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