“Global Crises-Pandemic Reset Resolution 2024”.

We need everyone’s Co-Operative Partnership signing and implementing the World's most critical project of all. To finally prevent and end our Multi-Crises and Pandemics of Obesity, Disease, Anxiety, Conflict and War, at our inner Stress Response source. We simply use “Common Sense” and our own natural power of Revolutionary “Electro-Psycho-Neuro-Inflammology”, proven by research of the WHO and CDC, to optimize Health, Happiness, Unity and Longevity …

You and Me … US

“Genius is taking the complex and making it simple … and … If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old you don’t understand it yourself.” - Albert Einstein

Invisible Missing Link (Neural Link) anxiety - Hyper-Tension inflammation - relaxation Response Prevention & Resolution of obesity, anxiety & addiction Tridemic

Electro-Psycho-Neuro-Inflammology - Hope-Relaxation Response Solution

by M. Blackwell - EPNI, Electro-Psycho-Neuro-Inflammologist & B. Blackwell, MD Psychiatirist, Psychoneuropharmocologist

Integrative global Evidence-based Research Analysis

(95 year field study collaboration)

“Between 60-90% of all doctor visits are stress related and probably cannot be detected, much less treated effectively, with the medications and procedures on which the medical profession relies almost exclusively” - Famous Dr. Herbert Benson, MD - Cardiologist

We are a dangerously inflamed and weakened industrial society, “Stressed-Out”, rushing at warp speed, in an “Over-Anxious, Hyper-Tense, Inflammation Stress Response”, as our baseline response of operation; thus directly creating inflammation, exhaustion, illness, obesity, auto-immune and comorbid disease, conflict and war, across the board. We require an immediate united “Central Nervous System Tension Wave Reset” back to more of our “Hope-Relaxation Response”, proven to be designed to directly create optimum health, happiness, unity, longevity and peace. - Common Sense verified by Research & Statistics, Direct Observation, Natural Laws & Logic

Part I: the 3 Silent Killers of Obesity, hyper-tension & Stress

“The Germ is only as strong as the inflamed and exhausted Host is weak.” Common sense basic Bio-Psycho-Social Model application

  • The WHO and CDC have warned us for many decades about our out of control multi-crises and pandemics of Obesity, Hypertension, Diabetes, Organ Diseases, Addictions and Anxiety; all directly linked to our Stress - Anxiety Response. Below are the WHO, CDC’S and global agencies research and statistics about our devasting general health and social functioning decline over the past 50 years and the specific proof observed during our 3 year “Covid Lockdown Response”. It irrefutably proves that we failed to use the required standard Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment - Response Model to address the primary Psycho-Social problems of Obesity, Comorbid Diseases, our own Stress - Anxiety Response inside as the Primary Disease Factor (PDF). Fifty years ago, Dr. Herbert Benson, MD tried to get people to apply the beginnings of this groundbreaking research on moderating our Stress vs. Relaxation Response as the PDF, but we dangerously anxiously rushed past it; addicted to chemicals to try to control the only thing we control inside with our Mind as designed … our Health and Peace vs. Conflict and Disease Response.

    1) 94% of the people who died with Covid had 4 or more Comorbid Diseases or causes. (Not 1, but 4). CDC website.

    2) The most common Comorbid Disease is Circulatory Hyper-Tension - High Blood Pressure. (The largest Medical Disease “Silent Killer” created from Nervous Hyper-Tension - Anxiety and Obesity.) CDC website.

    3a) The top 3 Killers during Covid were Obesity, Diabetes, and yes, Anxiety - Fear-related Nervous Hyper-Tension Disorders; all directly linked. CDC Website. ***(Of critical note is that rushing overanxious, nervously hyper-tense, directly creates our Circulatory Hypertension - Inflammation Response, and also creates rushed addictive behavior of overeating which creates Obesity and secondary Hypertension from plugging our arteries, thus also creating Diabetes and more secondary Anxiety.

    3b) 86% of people who are Obese are Diabetic. CDC Website.

    4) 72% of US adults are Obese or Overweight. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity

    5) Obesity rates in the US have tripled over the last 60 years. CDC stats per https://usafacts.org/articles/obesity-rate-nearly-triples-united-states-over-last-50-years/

    6) 10 times the people died during Covid in countries in which over 50% of their population were Obese or Overweight. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8759097/ *** (Of critical note is that if 10 times less people died then Covid could never have been seen as a Global Crisis - Pandemic, as the obvious primary death factor was Obesity, Hypertension, and Diabetes, further proven below.) Covid was clearly “The straw that broke inflamed diseased obese camel’s back.”

    7a) 300,000 people die every year from Obesity in the US. https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/89/6/2522/2870282?login=true

    7b) 300,000 people died every year with Covid in the US. CDC Website.

    (Notice that if we ourselves stop rushing anxiously hyper-tense and slow down to observe with just a few simple factual statistics, we see the irrefutable direct primary disease and death factor of our out of control Obesity - Hyper-Tension - Anxiety Pandemic, destroying the health and survival of our global population. There is no reason to wonder why hardly anyone died from Covid in Africa, because they are undernourished rather than Obese with “Industrial Disease” of excess and addiction creating our deadly disease and conflict crisis.

    8) Stress has long been proven to be the Primary Disease Factor (PDF) in causing and worsening Mental and Physical Illness, Disease, Pain, Addictions, Conflict, Violence, Suicide and PTSD. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5476783/

    9) Inflammation is the Primary Disease Factor. Inflammation has long been a well-known symptom of many infectious diseases, but molecular and epidemiological research increasingly suggests that it is also intimately linked with a broad range of non-infectious diseases, perhaps even all of them. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3492709/

    10) Stress leads to Inflammation and Mental and Physical Disease. Chronic stress result failures of homeostasis thus lead to various diseases such as atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and depression. However, while 75%–90% of human diseases is related to the activation of stress system, the common pathways between stress exposure and pathophysiological processes underlying disease is still debatable. Chronic inflammation is an essential component of chronic diseases. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5476783/


    “The greatest Medicine of all is teaching people how not to need it.” - Hippocrates the Forgotten Father of Medicine

    “The Mind and Body communicates constantly. What the Mind thinks, perceives and experiences is sent from our Brain to the rest of the Body.” - - Dr. Herbert Benson, MD

    “Genius is taking the complex and making it simple … and … If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old you don’t understand it yourself.” - Albert Einstein

  • It is clear to even a 6 year old that based on direct observation and factual statistics the primary “Invisible Silent Killer” is our “Mismanaged Anxiety-Stress-Hyper-Tension-Inflammation Response” creating our cell, organ and system failures that show up as secondary visible somatic manifestations in our Body.

  • All evidence based research points to this simple conclusion that mainstream medicine literally “over-looked”, overly focused on Biological or Environmental causes, from not applying the standard required Bio-Psycho-Social (BPS) Assessment - Response Model. During the time of Dr. Benson’s revolutionary “Relaxation Response” discovery to treat heart disease, hypertension and much more, the US government stopped overseeing all research regarding medication and it was taken over by the pharmaceutical industry thus driving a Biological - only, not the real scientific BPS Model.

    A painful specific example of this is regarding the Spanish Flu that was used as the template four our Covid Response. Anyone slowing down to use the required BPS Model would first assess the Psycho-Social disease factors before anxiously rushing to the conclusion that it was a Biologically more virulent strain and/ or a mutant strain. The Spanish Flu happened towards the end of a World War that would be the most Psycho-Socially stressful event on humanity to exponentially increase all disease, infection, mental and physical illness across the board as referenced in the above research statistics. People would be massively inflamed in the Fight or Flight Anxiety - Hyper-Tension - Inflammation Response for visible external threats with nothing left for our internal threat Inflammation - Immune Response. The global population would then be chronically exhausted for a long time after several years of acute inflammation. The Spanish Flu was a massive Psycho-Socially virulent time with no need for a biologically virulent flu strain to explain the carnage.

    Regarding the suggested “Mutant Strain” for killing 20-40 year olds, which was unheard of with the flu. If we apply the standard required BPS Model and look at the Psycho-Social disease factor it becomes obvious that soldiers are under the most extreme stress, in close quarters with poor sanitary conditions, creating the ”Perfect Storm Trifecta” for infection and disease. It is easily Pscyho-Socially explained with no need for a mutant strain to exist whatsoever.