“Instant Change” happens all the time ...          It’s all we are doing … as we “Instant Change” our Tension - Relaxation Waves with every Choice … every Movement … every single Breath …


Change how we feel mentally, emotionally, physically … anytime … anywhere … in an instant

Change Your Mind - Body - Spirit = Change Your Life

“Slow Down … Relax Breathing … Reset to Hope & Relaxation Response Waves … Inside …”

Sleep Great ... Let Anger Go … Socialize in the Flow …

amazing that one session can do so …

Learning more and making more powerful changes in 20 minutes compared to many years of “Therapy” …

One simple “Mind - Body Reset” … Like a “Stairway to Heaven”

I found him to be sincere and deeply compassionate and present.  My experience with him was definitely life-changing in one session.  I felt a change at a cellular level which is monumental for me. I have had significant abandonment fears and a history of being diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder and have been on a variety of medications.  It feels as if the past traumas are no longer a significant issue and I can now deal with the tasks at hand.  I feel grounded, more authentic and real.  I no longer feel spun out after a lifetime of feeling spun out.  I barely recognize myself as it feels like a giant weight has been removed from my shoulders.  I feel a whole new pace and in simple terms a “New Way of Being”.

Nicole - Hawaii

I am a Chinese Medicine Doctor - Acupuncturist and have spent decades studying manuals, texts, multiple spiritual practices and Yoga, gurus, and motivational speakers. My session with Martin made me feel more relaxed, centered and connected to source faster, simpler and deeper than any meditation, method, technique or healing ever.

Terra - Hawaii