Our Mission

Our Mission and Community Duty is for our Non-Profit “World First Aid Inside” to Co-Operatively unite to naturally empower and “Re-Mind” each other all day long, to make the single most important choice we can ever make, to “Instant Change Reset” our Fear - Hyper-Tension - Inflammation Stress Response Waves to more Hope - Relaxation Response Waves, to optimize and save millions of uninformed lives. We need you and I, and everyone, to apply and sign the “Global Crises-Pandemic Reset Resolution 2024” to end our self-inflamed multi-crises of disease, conflict and war by creating the world’s largest “One Hope - Relaxation Wave CO-OP”.

We simply need to apply and share the common sense CDC - WHO Research proven Electro-Psycho-Neuro-Inflammology, to provide our natural self-empowering Central Tension (Wave) Response - CTR Training to all Government, Health, Educational, Corporate and Social Media Systems, to finally create Health, Unity and Peace and prevent and resolve our decades long, out of control Multi-Crises and Pandemics of Conflict, War and Disease, at our inner Stress Response source.

“CTR … CPR for the Mind - Body - Spirit … Save Minds … Save Hearts … Save Lives.”

“Slow Down … Relax Breathing … Reset to Hope - Relaxation Response Waves Inside … … ...” World first Aid Inside … You and I … Do or Die … “The Great Reset Inside.”

Envision Spreading the Blue & Yellow Cross Waves of Hope & Relaxation to Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza & Across all Nations … From You & I … Starting at Home … & Wherever we Roam …

“Relax in Hope Waves … Just Do It …”

“When we ‘Slow Down ... Reset ... Relax’ we ‘Instant Change’ our Stress -Tension Response Waves to Relaxation Response Waves of Operation for Optimum Health, Wealth, Happiness, Unity and Longevity on the Waves of Instant Change we ride in Co-Operation ...” -
— Dr. Common Sense ... The Doctor Inside Us All ...

world first aid inside …

Central Tension (Wave) Response - CTR Trainings

"MInd-Body Tension Wave Reset” achievements

  • Helping thousands of individuals and groups of people like you to be naturally empowered with our Mind as designed, to "Instant Change Reset" their Fear - Tension - Inflammation Stress Response to their Hope - Relaxation Response to prevent and resolve Anxiety, Depression, Panic, Anger, Trauma - Grief - PTSD, Bipolar, Paranoia, Homicide, Suicide, Sleep, Pain & More. 

  • Helping thousands prevent and resolve addictions to alcohol, every substance and social behavior problem.

  • Helping families, couples and organizations to resolve conflict, prevent divorce, and have happy, healthy and optimum Co-Operative relationships.

  • Helping people to optimize their resource management and survival potential as individuals and groups by learning to "Slow Down ... Reset ... Be Aware" and live with less'; since as we know "Haste makes Waste".

  • Community and Organizational Central Tension (Wave) Response - CTR Trainings offered to all countries.